This Code of Ethics is for the safety, well-being, and ethical treatment of individuals seeking this transformative work.



Our primary concern is to the safety, well-being, and ethical treatment of individuals seeking transformative work.  Our primary intention is to lead with compassion for all participants, to practice and serve in ways that cultivate awareness, empathy, and wisdom.

We always do our utmost to ensure each individual is safe from harm, both mental and physical.  We shall respect and seek to preserve the autonomy and dignity of each person, give assurances of confidentiality and respect for autonomy.  Therapists and leaders will maintain professional boundaries and Therapists should be aware of the potential for transference and countertransference and seek supervision as needed. 

We are aware of how permission and connection can create a safe environment.  Nothing is ever given without explicit, informed consent of the recipient. Any therapeutic touch used in a session will be done only with prior consent provided by the participant before any session begins. These agreements will be upheld even if touch is later requested by the participant. 

We recognize that the roots of psychedelic medicine reach far beyond the era of modern chemistry. and the deep understanding of their application, originated within diverse indigenous cultures across the globe. Women and BIPOC communities played a pivotal role in the development and transmission of this knowledge.

We recognize our position as borrowers and students, inheriting from these ancient lineages and traditions. We remain vigilant against appropriation and extractive practices, ensuring that our engagement with indigenous communities is one of mutual respect and reciprocity.

It is our intention to support indigenous cultures so they can thrive and to help heal broken linages that have been lost during the modernization and domestication of our cultures.

We also recognize the contributions of Western, qualitative, scientific methods to the field of altered state therapies. We hold both ancestral wisdom and contemporary scientific inquiry in high regard, acknowledging their unique and complementary contributions to the expanding field of psychedelic medicine.

We regard our role as cleaners for the planet and not as saviors in any way, cleansing the trash and garbage that we all hold onto.  We bring light to where there are shadows so people can find their own path in life, connected in a deeper way to their loved ones, communities and be good stewards for this rocketship we can earth.

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